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benefits of using our math flashcards:
Supports Parents & Autonomous Learning (explanations on the back of cards!)
Alignment with Next Generation Learning Standards
Build Communication Skills & Positive Peer Interactions
Build Reading Comprehension & Vocabulary
Build Procedural Fluency & Conceptual Understanding
Become Less Susceptible to Common Errors
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Educational Services & Resources
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Free step-by-step explanations of pre-algebra & algebra topics.
Videos include practice problems & answers.
Playlists include: Solving Equations, Linear Functions, Percents, Exponent Rules, Systems of Equations, factoring, and more!
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Focusing on Greater Emphasis Standards
Strategies for Incorporating Writing into Math Instruction & Assessment
Rigor: Do Your Objectives Meet the Standards?
Curriculum Planning
Daily Spiral Reviews
1:1 Coaching Sessions with Teachers
Some of the organizations we have worked with:
I.S.10 (Queens, NY) VOICE Charter School (Queens, NY) Claremont International H.S. (Bronx, NY)